There was a very English purveyor of what might be called the “Hebrew Actor,” who was at his peak was much better known and much better loved than Rose, but now seems to have been completely forgotten. Max Bacon
Max Bacon - Jewface?
Man, oh, Manischewitz
Warning: This contains a number of swear words
From the book "Counting the Stars:The Jewish Journey to the Cosmos"
To begin with, Manishcewitz is the brand name for a range of kosher products, specifically to be found in the United States, although it exports its products world-wide. At Pesach it really comes into its own.
One of its slogans was “Man, oh, Manischewitz," and it was generally reported that “In 1973, Apollo 17 astronaut Gene Cernan shouted, "Man, oh, Manischewitz," in the middle of his moonwalk.
Specifically, the Washington Post, who you would expect to verify its sources, went even further. “It is December, 1972, Apollo 17 time, and Cernan is on the moon. He sees something especially spectacular and what does he say, with the entire civilized world listening in, but "Man, oh, Manishewitz."
Sadly, they were wrong. The truth is more mundane, and no, Cernan was not a secret Jew promoting Manischewitz products.
In reality, it is all to do with swearing, by which I mean profanities.
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