Jordan Kutzik in the Jewish Daily Forward, November 2015, told us of a discovery of early klezmer music that had “lain in the EMI Music Archives in Hayes, England, untouched for many decades”

He pointed out that klezmer recordings were rare, and what existed nowadays was in the hands mainly of academics or musicians so that this discovery allowed the general public to be able to hear the early music that had been recorded in the Russian Empire Amongst all the dances and songs in this discovery was one called “606 Dance”, recorded in Odessa, celebrating Preparation 606, a treatment for syphilis.

The Jewish General that Time Forgot

We have all heard of the saying that in World War 1 “lions were led by donkeys”

Yet there was one general of whom this charge was never made.

His name was John Monash, and was considered one of the best and most intelligent generals in World War 1. That he isn’t better known is probably because he was an Australian, and since the war the focus has been of the British and French Generals.

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